1. Train owners and any staff on the game.
2. Help you choose a league (location) that you are interested in.
3. Provide you a general manager to operate your roster.
4. Provide a sales rep to sell advertising for your team.
5. Order uniforms
6. Hire game day staff
7. Indicate the League, Coordinator and your selected Team name.
8. Chose the appropriate Membership Link and sign up for your annual membership.
9. Have all your players sign up as well.
10. Fill out a Uniform Order Form
10. Find all Documents below.
11. Open up Uniform Order Form.
12. Fill in all the information and email it to playallball@gmail.com for pricing..
13. You will need team insurance. Please fill out the Insurance form.
14. Once processed, you will be all set to play Allball.
Allball Adult League Application.docx
National Allball Association Official Team Roster.docx
National Allball Association Official Team Uniform Order Form.docx